In His Footsteps


“Conscious that the work of the mission needed to accurately reflect Christ to those who watch them, Amy Carmichael held the work to the highest standards… One of her early biographers subtitled his book, ‘The Story of a Lover and and Her Beloved.’ And those words hold the secret of that beautiful and uninterrupted life of Christian service—a life in which the only things that mattered were those that were eternal.”

― Dr. John Snyder, Week 9 of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically


Amy Carmichael was a faithful 20th-century missionary to India, serving, exemplifying, and pointing those around her to Jesus Christ. She founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, a Christian mission and orphanage which rescued hundreds of children in India.


In one of her letters found in Candles in the Dark, Amy Carmichael writes:

Just now I am reading through the Gospels and marking in the margin every place where suffering is mentioned. It is mentioned very often. The Lord Jesus made it plain from the beginning that there would be trials of many kinds for all who would follow Him, and He Himself led the way in that path. Should we be surprised when we find ourselves following in His footsteps?

There is joy, too. He said clearly that sorrow would be turned into joy, joy that would never end. But I think that He wants us all to understand quite definitely that if we follow in the way of the cross we must be prepared to take up the cross. We must not think of life as a joy ride. But there is nothing whatever to be afraid of. “Blessed are they that dwell in Thy house: they will always be praising Thee” is a shining word for us all.

No one knows what this next year will bring, but one thing is sure: He will be with us, and He is enough for every difficulty that may arise. He is enough for today’s difficulty. Do you sometimes feel like the disciples when they were in the midst of the sea toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary to them? Then take the lovely words for your comfort: “He cometh unto them and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.”

No matter how much the wind blows, it will be true for us as it was for them, “The wind ceased.” So let us be of good cheer and go on our way rejoicing.



behold your God: Rethinking God Biblically