Union with Christ IV: United in Death

So far in our series, we've discussed how we are united with Christ in life. His perfect and obedient life is credited to our sinful and rebellious lives. However, Scripture goes further, stating that we are also united with Him in His obedient, yet horrific death because Jesus is our sacrificial Lamb.

This week, Acey Floyd leads the discussion with Dr. John Snyder, exploring Old Testament descriptions of Jesus's death and their New Testament fulfillment. All the scriptures Acey summarizes can be found below.

But what does it mean to be united or baptized into Jesus's death? As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones articulates in his commentary on Romans 6, it means that we are dead to the power of sin. The death of Christ empowers every Christian to overcome sin. While we will never be perfectly sinless, we will ultimately conquer sin to the glorify of God.


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Show Notes

Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray

Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Romans 6: https://banneroftruth.org/us/store/sermons-and-expositions/romans-6/

Scripture mentioned

Deuteronomy 21:22-23

Psalm 22:6-8

Psalm 22:12-21

Isaiah 53:1-3

Isaiah 53:4-6

Isaiah 53:7-9

Isaiah 53:10-12

Mark 10:37-38

Galatians 3:13-14

Romans 6:3-4

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